Monday, September 3, 2007

Infinitia and the Immortals

I didn't get a chance to work on any drawings today, I feel guilty. However, an interesting concept came to mind based on the Relics. Theres always two points on any timeline; a beginning and an end. Based on that, I believe for someone to achieve immortality they would have no beginning or end, they would just 'be.'

If there was a symbol to describe an immortals timeline it would be a circle, no endpoints to describe a birth or death. I thought this would be a great basis for the demon relics. There's a book of Pasts (a beginning point), the Present (the distance of the line) and of Futures (the end). Nobody existed at the beginning and nobody will ever witness the end so to see what they would be like would be some interesting art.

The circle is a completely different dimension that is pretty incomprehensible, don't think too long on it or your mind may explode.

See ya tomorrow.

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