Monday, November 29, 2010

8 Bit fun.

I thought I'd have fun making an 8-bit version of one of my Traducer characters.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Laughing Skull vs Zombie Gang

Added a little bit of a background and worked on the chainsaws a bit.

Piece I'm working on. My goal is to make
skeletons cool again. They don't like zombies either, they kill them with chainsaws, DOUBLE chainsaws.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Portrait of a barefoot king

Adjusted some color settings, I think these make him pop out a little more. What do you think?

I look at so many artists and wish I could paint like them. The harder I try to be like someone else, the further away I go from art.

I have made peace with my style as sloppy as it is, it is what defines me.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Thumbnail sketch turned colorful.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Large Mech Gun Girl

Title says it all.

Another WIP.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Shotgun Shelly

I haven't done any female figures in a while and I needed some practice. WIP.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pig Knight

Piece I start working on today.. It's starting to come back to me. I think I use a brush and pick colors.

I really like oranges and
yellows / blue combination in color.
tend to fall back on this color scheme when it's been a while.

Update #2 9/20/2010

Rust Bat

I think I forgot how to draw. It's been too long....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Diablo 3

UPDATE: 1/27/10 1:49PM
I'm done, it's not perfect but I'm happy with it. C/C Welcome.

UPDATE: 1/26/10: 8:03PM

I saw a Monk art challenge on a diablo 3 site , they're about to announce the female version of the Monk but they wanted to see what people think she will look like. Out of everything, this got me to work on a piece. Definitely not my favorite piece but it was a good way to get me back into the habit.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Welcome 2010

Another year has come and gone. In 2010, I hope to spend more time inside my imagination and complete some pieces that push my skill a bit further. For now, I'll post this pen sketch I did sitting around.