Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I was looking through some concept art and realized I need to distinguish the three Traducers a little more with their clothing. I hope to make the Executioner's clothing resemble more like a trench-coat, the Corruptor's will look more like a dress with only a few layers), the Torturer's will pretty much stay the way it is (very layered) but with a better pattern. I'm going to draw out some patterns and post them. The Torturer is a little different than the other two because she is the most Melee of the three classes. Her armor is a little heavier hence the headgear and larger shoulder pads.

All the patterns will be glowing, at least thats what the imagery looks like in my head....

Monday, September 10, 2007

Torturer redone

I took the pose from the first Torturer, reduced the opacity to about 20% and printed it out. Once printed I went to town with a pen to block in some more details. I was a little happier with the results.

I should run for a political position, because I flip-flop on my ideas everyday. I removed the corrupted arms and just went with the whips again. However, I gave this Torturer some needed armor in her shoulders and I made her robes were a little thicker.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Another Torturer

This one came out a little smoother, however, I did have a little problem with the pose. Not only am I trying to come up with some interesting concepts, I'm also trying to make my illustrations look a little more complicated. I've gotten too comfortable drawing straight on shots.

I had yet another Idea for the corrupter arms, maybe make that an upgradeable feature and let the player select what type of arms they want. Who knows, I'm still writing the design document.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Torturer With arms and Whips

After going to bed last night, I thought about some major changes I'd like to do to the Traducers. I think it'll be for the best. One example of the change will be to have not only the Corruptor class develop corrupted arms but the Torturer as well. On a game play level, it will be cool to see 2 whips flapping around as well as extra arms.

I've also decided to make the Torturer's 'corrupted arms' have an eye and a mouth. I think that their role will create another story element. Think of them as a conscious, a devil and an angel. Almost like a two headed ogre, they'll fight.

I had a hard time drawing the Torturer, It seems the more I visualize the character, the harder it is to get it from my brain to the paper.

Hopefuly I'll get a chance to draw a few more.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Traducers Pt. 4 - Torture

Even though it's not as clean as I would like it nor is it the original concept, here it is, the first version of a Torture. Similar to a Katar dagger, they're equipped with weapons called Fussion blades. On the side of the blade, there is a shard of a Rayon allowing them to do massive damage at close range..

From a designers standpoint, the weapon will pulsate with energy creating a pretty cool effect. The concept's weapon originally called for a whip. I'm not sure if it fits the Traducer's image well.

I'm not at all happy with the composition, especially the hair but it is concept after all. I'll try to put out a few more "sketches" over the next few days.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Amplifier (Long)

I played around with some color today on an Amp. I'm still not sure what I can see in my head. I think I want more of a cylinder with the little black things coming off like pitchforks. This is more flat than I wanted it to be. Ill try again tomorrow I guess.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Infinitia and the Immortals

I didn't get a chance to work on any drawings today, I feel guilty. However, an interesting concept came to mind based on the Relics. Theres always two points on any timeline; a beginning and an end. Based on that, I believe for someone to achieve immortality they would have no beginning or end, they would just 'be.'

If there was a symbol to describe an immortals timeline it would be a circle, no endpoints to describe a birth or death. I thought this would be a great basis for the demon relics. There's a book of Pasts (a beginning point), the Present (the distance of the line) and of Futures (the end). Nobody existed at the beginning and nobody will ever witness the end so to see what they would be like would be some interesting art.

The circle is a completely different dimension that is pretty incomprehensible, don't think too long on it or your mind may explode.

See ya tomorrow.

Amplifiers and Rayon

Out of all the Traducers, only Executioners equip themselves with the unique weapon known as an Amplifier. As a guard transcends through time, he gets a glimpse at technology. As an Executioner, it's their obligation to use the technology discovered to design a weapon worthy of vengeance and delivering chaos.

All Amplifiers hold a Rayon. Using the sophisticated technology, an Amplifier charges the Rayon to produce an effect similar to the fiercest lightning storm. They are designed after the dark matter they produce. Their casing is forged using the ancient metals and a black stone similar to Onyx.

These are a few Amp designs I came up with, unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to clean them up nor drop some color. Hopefully I'll get to that tomorrow.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Full Frontal

To continue with our journey through Corruptor concept, I have devised a frontal view for a 3d artist to take full advantage. As you can see, the 'corrupt arms' spring from the back, in this case, I have only drawn four but depending on the Corruptor, they could have more.

I've also designed the clothes a little more, the thing sticking out the back is kinda a cloth that covers the holes where the arms come out of the back. When I get to a back view, it should make more sense.

Overall, this image was meant to be more of a reference for a modeler and less artistic.