Friday, March 23, 2012

Bug minion 1&2

In games like Diablo, nothing beats the big bad guy at the end of the levels.  I've thought about the design of it all and it really takes the little annoying guys leading up to the last boss to make you feel like you've accomplished something.  The bug minion was originally one of those little buggers that swarm you, they have like 1 hit point and they drop only grey equipment and gold (which is even more annoying if you're obsessive compulsive like myself).  I digress, the image is turning into some sort of hero that is based around those minions.
Final Final version.

 This is the W.I.P. of the hero-esk version
This is the minion (GTFO annoying) version.


DelArin said...

Haha, cool! Reckon the lower part of the minion type guy needs to be a little fatter and more slug like. Like the colours and the slime, instead of footprints they could leave some sort of slime trail that stays for a while then fades.

Gamonutz said...

You must be some kind of bug lover